Our objective is to offer, as a fully independent company, innovative
products and services, which will support and confirm customer
satisfaction, together with the continuation of the success and
competitiveness of Grewatec AG.

The market services of Grewetec AG constitute the following:
comprehensive engineering of plastic components
design and manufacture of pressure die-casting tools
maintenance of pressure die-casting tooling.

These services are supported by expert engineering competence, an efficient organisation and reliable staff. Where necessary, we work together with fully qualified partners.

We cultivate an active, honest and open communication system. We say what we can do and then do it. We want our customers to profit from this cooperation. We therefore offer innovative solutions, services and products. Competent advice to our customers, expert manufacture, correct documentation, respect for delivery agreements and after sales service all belong to our convictions. We offer the highest level of professionalism, quality and reliability.

We employ qualified and motivated people who are performance oriented and possess a high degree of social feeling and sense of teamwork.

Our customers are highly satisfied with our products and services. Where others reach their limits is where our challenge begins.